BFT Mime Keypad 3V Wallmount Remote
Brand: BFT |
11 x 6 x 10 cm
- BFT branded 4 button wall mountable remote controller for BFT sliding and swing gate motor range.
- 4 buttons allow control over four separate motors or four functions (full open, half open, different motor).
- Batteries included
Easy copy instructions!
- You must be in range of the motor in order to make copies of remotes.
- On the master remote (already programmed/or in use) hold top two buttons until light becomes solid. Choose which button you wish to copy. You have placed the master remote in a 'transfer' state. Place the remote aside and pick up the new remote to copy in to.
- On the copy remote, hold top two buttons until light becomes solid. Press the desired button to copy the command into. Test to make sure it works. Repeat previous step until it works.
- Repeat steps if you have more than one button to copy.
- Done.
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